Friday, June 15, 2007

The Beginning.

Today was the last day of work. It will be so strange to not be going in there five days a week ready to solve any problem the day might pose. Ten years is a long time and you defiantly form a bond with the people you work with. Forty hours a week is more than I see my family! It hasn't had lots of time to sink-in yet. I am still packing up and getting ready for strangers to take over my house. It won't be my house of course; they paid good money for it. But I have been here six years and I have grown attached to it. It is the place I come back to after work or a long trip. It really is sort of a cocoon from the world; a small space that is all my own. It will be interesting to see what it is like to be a nomad.

1 comment:

Norma said...

You always have a place to come to with us. I am so proud of you.